Saturday 28 June 2008

The Minister for Social Development...

I think it was Woody Allen who said "Life is what happens while you are making other plans". We find that to be true in Sudan. Joseph and I laugh about how often we make plans that dont work out, only to be surprised by something we hadnt expected.

Yesterday afternoon we walked to the home of the Minister for Social Development to ask if she might help us with transport to Wanyjok on Sunday. H.E. Abour Gordon Nhial is a strong woman, compassionate, well informed and wise. She is also Joseph's sister in law. We discuss micro-enterprise, agricultural development, grass-root community empowerment, economic sustainability, health, education and much more. She confirms the vision Joseph and I have shared about social transformation through empowerment of the poor, and we feel encouraged, better informed and more focussed on the next steps for our work here. Abour also stresses the importance of second hand books, clothing, educational equipment, toys etc and asked if we are able to send these from Australia. She specifically asks, if we are able to, to send a few wheel-chairs.

It has become late and Abour needs to see to other things so we say goodbye. As we step through the gate of her compound I laugh as I realise we havent mentioned our need for transport. I tell Joseph and we laugh so much I am almost hit by a man on a pushbike!

PS - Joseph rang Abour in the morning and she is happy to assist with transportation to Wanyjok tomorrow. I am excited to be going to worship with our churches in South Sudan.

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