Monday 4 April 2011

The first bricks...

Pastor Paulino Malou has just sent me some photos of the toilets that were constructed recently at the Marialbai Mission. Now, we might tend to think of toilets as being important from the perspective of sanitation and hygiene (not to mention modesty), but back in September the Chief explained to me that it has another significance to the local community. He told me that when the people see the toilets being built they will say "Ahh... Something good is going to happen here. They wouldn't build the toilets unless they were going to provide something for our stomachs".
There is still some work needed to complete the construction, but it is pleasing to see the first brick building go up at the Mission. And while we would all realise the practical necessity of toilets, most of us probably hadn't thought of them as being a symbol of hope before...

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