The progress of the Emmanuel Children’s Program at Marialbai has exceeded my hopes and expectations. When we commenced the nutrition program in September last year we met under a hastily constructed iron shelter and shared a very basic meal. I took the kids’ photos, met with the management committee, signed a partnership agreement and left. I keep in regular contact with the program coordinator, Pastor Paulino Malou, who keeps me informed of the program’s development, but I was still amazed at what I witnessed when I returned recently.
I was there with Ros Stafford-Green and Anna Anok who were working on our maternal health care project, and John Gilmore, Executive Director of Global Mission Partners on his first visit to South Sudan.
As our team approached in the Chief’s vehicle we could see the new brick walls of the feeding center, the borehole with hand-pump that has been installed and the brick toilet block behind. The children were meeting in class groups under trees – but when they saw us approach they quickly ran to a central space and formed a well organized choir. It is amazing how such small children can sing so loudly. As they sang their songs of welcome the teachers, cooks and other adults filed past to shake our hands. There were prayers and speeches and then more singing - but it was the excitement and joy of the children that made the greatest impression.
The Chief arranged a meeting with members of the community under a large shady tree and once again there were prayers and speeches. Each of the 240 children in the program has been assigned a caretaker, and the community as a whole takes active responsibility for these children who have lost their parents in the civil war.
A few days later Ros and I worked with the teachers to gather some personal information on each child, and I took a new set of photos. Many of the children’s faces shone with joy – a remarkable contrast to the somber photos from the previous year.
As a team we were impressed with the professionalism and organization of the teachers, the care of the staff, the leadership of Paulino, the involvement of the Chief and community and the property development. But more than anything else we were encouraged by the children themselves.
John’s comment summed it up: “This is a happy place!”
(Funding for this program is provided through child sponsorship. If you would like more information on sponsoring a child at Marialbai please
follow this link)
Photos (from top)
The children singing songs of welcome
Speeches at the community meeting
Gathering personal information from each child with teachers
Mary's photo from last year
This year's photo of Mary