Thursday 9 October 2008

From little things big things grow...

Well the second anniversary celebration of the United Sudanese Fellowship was an inspirational occasion. Unfortunately Joseph wasnt well enough to share in the presentation of our trip to Sudan, but people were obviously enthusiastic about the opportunities we have to show our support to the Aweil community. Those from Aweil recognised people and places in my photos and showed a mixture of joy and sadness. But there is a confidence growing that although the need is overwhelming, there are things we can do to help. And even a small amount of assistance can go a long way amongst people who have so little. I reported that we are continuing to explore what we can do to help in a few critical areas:
- Assisting Deborah, the midwife at Aweil Hospital, with basic training and equipment
- Support for Rev Angelo and his team who are caring for Darfurian refugees
- Developing links with Church of Christ leaders, churches and the Bible College
- Supporting the vision of Church of Christ leaders to establish a church and clinic in Aweil Town
- Supporting Adub in his work with the Peace Commission
- Exploring our response to appeals for assistance in a number of other practical areas such as training, agriculture, micro-enterprise, books, wheelchairs, water, books, Bibles etc

At Magill COC, our Sunday School is making their own response. A couple of Sundays ago I showed them some video of a Sunday School in Aweil (at the church in the photo above). Now they are making a banner to send over with their hand-prints and names on it, as well as pictures of kangaroos and koalas, to remind them they have Christian friends in Australia. Our reading that Sunday said that "true worship" involves giving clothes to those in need (Isaiah 58:7), and so they have been invited to donate a t-shirt or pair of shorts to send as a gift to the Sunday School in Aweil.

It's a small start, but we hope this small package sent with love from our children, will be followed by many more expressions of our love and support.

1 comment:

Kadina CofC said...

Sure was! My two people enjoyed it.