Friday, 30 May 2008

Commissioning Service...

In a couple of weeks Joseph and I will travel to Sudan to explore how we might develop a working ministry partnership with the community in Aweil. The partnership will involve the United Sudanese Fellowship and Churches of Christ. It is endorsed by COC State Board and Global Mission Partners. So on Sunday Joseph and I were commissioned in a service hosted by USF and GMP and involving both Sudanese and COC representatives. As John Gilmore (Director, GMP) led the commissioning segment we had the sense of being surrounded and supported by the various communities we would be representing on our travels. I felt overwhelmed by the way our churches have joined with the Sudanese - not just in welcoming them to Australia, but now in working together for the benefit of their friends and relatives in a region totally devastated by decades of civil war. Equally overwhelming was the singing and hospitality of the Sudanese. I am told this was a sample of the welcome we will receive in Aweil.

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